Our Building
The nursery setting
The nursery setting is large and spacious in a modern, single storey facility in pleasant surroundings. The nursery aims to create not only a stimulating environment but one which is “home from home” and is a secure, happy place in which to play, learn and grow. To this end it operates a three room facility where babies and toddlers each have their dedicated space both of which are separate from “the big ones” as the 3 years plus like to be known! Outside play, sometimes in all weathers, is a key part of child development and Buttons have a large, secluded garden with grass and soft play areas and various adventure type settings for the children to explore.
The facility is equipped to the highest standard. The family however believe that standards consistently have to be challenged in line with their view on excellence. It is therefore the case that facilities, equipment, toys, books etc will be subject to a continuous improvement review in order to provide the best possible for the children.

In our Baby Room you will find a senior staff member with her support team. Our baby rooms cater for children from the age of 3 months until they are confidently mobile. Each room has changing facilities. We work on maximum 3:1 children to staff ratio with the continuity of staff being a priority.
Our baby rooms are bright, cheerful and stimulating which offers a caring and loving environment. The emphasis is very much on providing a home from home care with lots of play, love and cuddles.
Children are encouraged to explore the world of colour, shapes and texture through the use of natural light, toys, adult interaction and lots of sensory experiences. Here at Buttons Nursery we try to work closely with you to ensure your babies’ home routine is followed. This provides continuity and stability for you and your child.To ensure a smooth stress free transition from home to nursery life, convenient settling in sessions are always arranged. During these sessions, which you will attend, your babies’ needs and any special requirements can be discussed with the nursery staff.
Once your little one is actively up and about with confidence and ready to move on they begin to explore and they will gain confidence as we start to introduce them to a wide range of educational and fun activities which will be planned in advance and will include colouring, painting, messy play, singing etc, all to create a fun filled day for your child.
At 2 years of age your child will be allowed to venture into the Toddler rooms. This room caters for children aged 2 years to 3 years of age with maximum 4:1 children to staff ratio. Once again a dedicated senior nursery nurse and her team oversees the room.
The toddler rooms are full of busy energy as now your child will be able to experience a wider range of educational, yet fun activities that have been carefully selected to stimulate their ever expanding minds.
When it comes to potty training, we will encourage your child to be as independent as possible. All we ask is that you bring in lots of spare clothes; this is just in case they have a little accident, they will then have their own clothes ready to be changed into. With the EYFS planning and observation system in place the staff team will be actively encouraging your child’s interests, offering them further opportunities to explore. Within these rooms, they start to prepare for pre-school, so self selection of activities and independence is encouraged throughout the day.
A senior nursery nurse and her team takes charge of this room . A ratio of 1 staff to 8 children is adhered to in this room. The room is our pre-school rooms and caters for children aged 3 years to school age.
The room is set up in areas which accord with the guidelines of the EYFS.
With the children’s interests being at the centre of all planning, the day passes quickly by as the fun is still going on!
Children learn through play. During the free play sessions, children are encouraged to be independent and to make their own choices from a wide range of different activities through which they can explore and learn.
A structured day is centred on individual learning where their progress is carefully observed and recorded by their key person. This is used for continuing development of the child. This coupled with lots of fresh air, provides a busy day for all in the Pre-school rooms.
At the end of their time in Pre-school the children will have increased levels of confidence and be socially interactive, thus the transition to full time schooling should be smooth and a logical progression of their continued learning.
The EYFS is strong in its expectation that children have to experience all weathers through play and learning outdoors.
At Buttons we have therefore developed a secure outside area which is part garden, part play area and part adventure trail. Here, as you may expect, you will find maximum release of energy and exuberance prevailing! It is not however as unstructured as you may think.
Our staff who are in constant attendance are actually shaping activities towards co-ordination, balance, strength and general fitness . Your children will love it and at the same time you will note their physical development changes.