Our people

Dedicated staff

At Buttons Nursery we believe that staff are the backbone of successful childcare and development. We have therefore been unrelenting over the years in our rigorous recruitment process which ensures we employ staff who have a total love of children and are dedicated  to their overall welfare. As a result the nursery has an exceptionally low turn round  in staff and  the children are led by first class people who have been with the business for many years. You , as parents or carers,  can rely on this wealth of knowledge and know how to provide the best early years experience for your child.

We do, of course, comply with all statutory employment rights in terms of our staff. However, when it comes to qualifications, OFSTED legislation requires that at least 50% of a childcare staff team must have a relevant childcare qualification. At Buttons Nursery we believe that excellence in looking after young children requires not only the personality but the training and expertise necessary for your childrens development. You will therefore find that 100% of our staff have a childcare qualification. These qualifications include staff with NVQ level 3 and above as well as those with Early Years Professional Status and ultimately Degree Level standard. We are further committed to the continuing development our staff team to provide up to the minute knowledge and capability in early years development. Through in-house programmes as well as external agencies we ensure all staff can access regular training to update their skills and abilities in this respect.

Along with our dedication to training we actively engage with colleges, hospitals and youth training schemes to encourage the development of students and trainees. In a professionally run environment  we assist in providing invaluable experience for future practioners in childcare. You can be assured however that all students are subjected to the same vetting process as the full time staff and that at no time will a student be left unsupervised with the children in our care.

Personal safety and protection of your children is fundamental. For your peace of mind you can be assured that not only staff but Owners, Directors and all associated with Buttons Nursery are verified and cleared by the Disclosure and Barring Service.  Regular checks and declarations are carried out.

Staff ratios

We ensure our ratios comply with the Care Standards identified in the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum’ guidance.These are as follows:-

0 – 2 years1 staff member to 3 children
2 – 3 years1 staff member to 4 children
3 – 5 years1 staff member to 8 children

We employ early years qualified lunch time assistants to cover staff lunch breaks which enables us to stay in ratio throughout the day.

Buttons' key person system

Buttons Nursery run a ‘Key Person’ system. This means your children will be allocated a member of staff who has responsibility for developing a trusting and caring relationship and bond with you and your children.

It is important that children feel they ‘belong’ and their key person will ensure new children are settled into the group as quickly and easily as possible. Parents or carers are encouraged to visit with their child prior to children starting nursery. This helps to build confidence in a new environment for both and give the idea that “it is our nursery”

Children need to feel they have someone they can rely on and their key person will take a special interest in them, ensuring they are happy and enjoying their nursery experience. They will look to your childrens strengths and use them to increase and develop their capabilities. All along they will share with you the new skills and achievements your children will obtain and promote active discussion and participation with you.

Although we utilise the Key Person system we do encourage you as parents or carers to communicate with all the staff members to enable you to play a complete part in the operation of the nursery.

The nursery operates a daily diary system for children under three years. Diaries are completed on a daily basis so parents or carers know what their children have been up to during the day.

Now come and meet us…


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